Thursday 1 August 2013

Igor Purlantov: An Animal Rights Activist

Igor Purlantov believes one of the most important jobs of us humans is to take care of our animals. It is us who domesticated them, making them dependent upon us for food, shelter, and love. Unfortunately many people fail at their jobs as animal parents and defenseless animals are dumped on streets, left behind, neglected, and abused.  

Some of the animals that are dumped on the streets are fortunately found, picked up and cared for by humane animal shelters. These shelters’ funds and resources are depleting faster than they can be raised. Igor Purlantov has written on animal advocacy and now is putting his knowledge into action.
Spartacus Foundation was sweetly named after Igor Purlantov’s beloved family cat. After dedicating much of his time and efforts, writing articles and blogs trying his best to raise awareness, Spartacus Foundation puts Igor Purlantov’s words into action. The goal is to raise money through individual and corporate donations to help the soldiers on the frontline, facing the issue of animal abuse and neglect head on.    

Igor Purlantov knows the more money we raise for the charities and shelters that help these animals, the more we can help them remain open and obtain the supplies and staff they need to fully function. What many shelters need is more space, and that equates needing more money.

It is Igor Purlantov’s belief that if we all join the fight against abused animals that we can end this war. If we work together and help each other, we can likewise help animals that need it the most.

Igor Purlantov’s job is President of a Private Investment Firm. His passion is helping those in need, especially animals that are helpless in their struggle. The Spartacus Foundation was born from his desire to help and passion to make the world a better place.

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